

Cleanup Army
Not all national authorities are able to clear the governed area from rogue trash that defaces the public space and natural environment. However, the general population does not capitulate and has shown heart to stand up against the ugly trash problem. This empowerment is reflected in the contemporary culture of social media, in which the #trashtag challenge (public cleanups) went viral (BBC, 2019). One particular impressive case of public cleanup is given by Mumbai beach, where 5.3 million kg of trash was removed from a 2.5km coastline (CNN, 2017). BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-47536861 CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/22/asia/mumbai-beach-dramatic-makeover/index.html
The CleanupArmy app aims to amplify the visibility of the problem and the ability of the public to address it. How it works: • Users upload picture of trash onto map • Users can add descriptions and events around all of the geotagged trash cases • If the trash is removed, users upload the ‘after’ picture to resolve the case The app would also help local governments/organizations to monitor trash and enable them to initiate cleanup efforts in collaboration with the local population. In the long term, CleanupArmy further aims to offer a marketplace for industrial trash processing, as the users highlight areas of demand and increase public attention and urge. (Prototype is scheduled for 1st of September)