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UT Challenge

TMC Group prize winner looking for team members


This project was a finalist and winner of TMC Group Social Partner Prize during the UT Challenge 2017. Recently they've had their first meeting and the collaboration uphand looks very promising!

Inspired by the latest developments of behavior change science, this project aims to create a solution that can support individuals in developing their ability to effectively set, pursue, and achieve their personal goals.

Now it’s time to grow by means of a multidisciplinary team. If this topic appeals to you and you wish to contribute in the short or long term, let’s have a chat!

For more information and contact, see below.

UT Challenge 2017 | www.utchallenge.nl/candidate/details/14166/

Roberto Cruz | r.cruzmartinez@utwente.nl

Roberto Cruz with Lotte Geertsen & Benjamin Jurg (TMC Group)